BUHI Social Media Audit


BUHI is an online retailer, that specializes in carrier bags.

Creating and maintaining an online presence is crucial for their business.

The brand is active on various social media sites, with various interactive results.

Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are BUHI’s top 3 platforms with the most traffic.



BUHI sells the following products below:

Each at a variety of prices ranging from $20-$200

  • Backpacks
  • Duffel Bags
  • Totes
  • Messenger Bags
  • Luggage Carry-On

Primary Market

90% of BUHI’s customers fall into the 19-32 age market.

Mindy is a well-rounded target audience, that checks most of BUHI’s ideal boxes.

  • Female
  • 17% of market
  • 18-26 age group
  • 7.5k-12k income

Social Media Analytics

Two social media platforms rank well above the rest (Facebook and Instagram). Both of these channels almost double the statistics of their competition.

  • 556k followers (most)
  • 29k engagements (2nd)
  • 3k coversations (most)
  • Most impressions, August-December
  • Thursday-Saturday, most active
  • Ideal Posts per day, 1-6


Facebook is BUHI’s most popular social media platform, engagements are the highest on images and videos. Females make up a majority of followers on the platform (53-47%) overall, while males in the 18-24 age group lead (18-16%).

  • 421k followers (2nd)
  • 308k engagements (most)
  • 2k conversations (2nd)
  • Most impressions, November-February
  • Friday-Monday, most active
  • Ideal Posts per day, 1-3

Instagram is a close second for the most popular social media platform. It has the highest amount of engagements with 308k. Photos are by far the best performing content, leading videos, and infographics. Females outrank males (58-42%) overall, and in the 18-24 age group (23-20%).

Social Media Trends

According to Reynolds Research Report, “32% of the North American bag industry’s ad spend was used for social media advertising”. While platforms like Facebook and Instagram have “plateaued” the past few years, Pinterest has made progress carving out their own place in the social media landscape.

BUHI’s competition (shown below) mainly focuses their efforts on Twitter and Pinterest, submitting multiple posts per day.


BUHI’s social media budget has grown from 12-25%, choosing to spend more on social media than most companies.  The budget is spent on photography and video content to attract an audience.

A weekly budget is set at the start of each week for posts and advertisements. Organic posting also contributes to the overall promotional content, but may not see the same results as paid posts.

SWOT Analysis

  • High number of followers
  • Company support
  • Adequate budget for content
  • Variety of cross-promotional posts

  • Lack of presence on certain platforms
  • Poor results on Pinterest
  • Does not have a social media management tool
  • Testimonials from customers
  • Upward trend of engagements
  • Target market is the majority on chosen platforms

  • Competition posts more daily
  • Facebook and Instagram growth has slowed
  • Many different competitors in the market
  • Other companies are aggressive on growing platforms

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